Ode to Self

MIND/MATTER Perfume Oil 15ml

Sale price Price $65.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

AROMA / Herb, bold citrus, zest, earth

INTENTION / Calmness and clarity

A zesty scent bursting with bold citrus notes of mandarin and grapefruit, hints of herbaceous rosemary, and grounded with earthy notes of cedarwood and juniper. A truly refreshing and invigorating scent.

Mind over matter is a kind reminder to slow both body and mind. It is particularly useful for enhancing focus and assisting moments of stress.

Apply to wrists, neck and collar bone and avoid rubbing. Inhale slowly and deeply, taking a moment to pause and enjoy. Repeat as little or as much as you’d like. Test-patch before use and avoid contact with eyes, mouth and open wounds.